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How we work in the forge!
With the fire from the ace, the iron is heated up to approx. 1300-1400 degrees. It is then shaped over the anvil using a sledgehammer and various other tools.
The approach to work has not changed significantly in several hundred years, as you may notice.
However, not many of us work this way anymore. Already here, we can promise that you, you will get a completely unique product.
Draws and designs all products themselves, and can then design a product that fits perfectly into the environment where it will be placed.
If another artist, designer or architect wants help, we are happy to do so.
We forge big and smallTo you as a private customer, church, company or other public body.
We also carry out work such as restorations of older buildings or new ones that are to be in a certain older style.(If you want a "modern" style, this is also fine)
Demonstration forging, try-on forging and courses are also organised.
Feel free to look further at our website where previous work we have done is displayed.
Maybe you come up with something that you want us to make to enrich your home or someone else's.
Well met
Niclas, Therese and Ronja
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