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Sculpturepark Ouroboros closed for the season. Open again in May.
Admission: SEK 50 / person. Season ticket SEK 100/person
May-June: Fri-Sun 12-18
Midsummer weekend CLOSED
July: Wed-Sun 12-6pm
Aug-Sep: Fri-Sun 12-6pm
Other times and larger groups must be booked in advance
NOTE: Dogs and own lunch bags may not be brought into the area.
If you have a dog in the car, tell us at the forge and we can make sure the car can be parked in the shade and your dog gets a bowl of cold water.
Entrance in the form of the infinity symbol; Ouroboros made by Niclas Engdahl, Smedja Therese.
In our large, spacious garden/park, we opened a new destination on May 1, 2021; Sculpture Park Ouroboros.
Ouroboros; the snake biting its own tail is a symbol of infinity.
We hope that the park will offer endless possibilities and experiences for both mind and soul.
Among the garden's trees, plants and flowers, in its small and large rooms, talented Creators display their sculptures for viewing.
We call the exhibitors Creators as they are wonderful creative people with different backgrounds and educations.
That is to say, they are artists, artisans, craftsmen who create art.
Therese Engdahl
The park 2021
The creators' imagination, creativity and high knowledge mean that the sculptures show a palette of colours, techniques and materials.
Our exhibitors live on their creations and they are from Västra Götaland.
Often sculptures in the parks are bought in and stand year after year.
In our park, they are "1-year-old", which means that the following year new sculptures will enrich the park.
Echset Margaretha Bäcklund Johansson
The park 2021
Every year, the previous and new exhibitors will be invited to exhibit with us.
This means that the park will have a new exciting look and content every year.
A tip is to visit the park on several occasions during the season, as the sculptures change as the garden's plants bloom.
Season tickets cost SEK 100 / person
Peter Skallström.
The park 2021
This is how the idea for the park began:
On July 23, 2020, on Niclas and my wedding day, Niclas says:
- Shouldn't we start making that sculpture park with us? We have room and we need one at Kinnekulle!
A few minutes later we were in full swing with the planning and the first of the park's first exhibitor/"Creators" was contacted.
Christian Johansson was actually sitting
outside his house when we drove by.
9 months later: May 1, 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, the Ouroboros Sculpture Park was opened.
Christian Johansson
The park 2021
Ouroboros little short:
As far as is known, the motif appears for the first time in the enigmatic book of the Underworld.Which is an ancient Egyptian funerary text discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun, 14th century BC.
During Greco-Roman times, it was widely used as talismans.
An Ouroboros drawing from the early papyrus Cleopatra's chysopoeia is from the second century BC.
Cleopatra was one of the few female alchemists active during that time.She depicted the famous words hèn tò, (One is all!), surrounded by the Ouroboros symbol.
She is said to be the one who managed to produce the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life.
Mercedes Murat
The park 2021
All the pictures are of some of the sculptures that were included in 2021.
Many thanks to you Creators who believed in our idea and gave us the chance to show off your creations.
As said, new sculptures come every season.
Göran Löfwing
The park 2021
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